war flag造句


  1. Revolutionary War flag and the weedy, gravel-covered lot.
  2. All these sons united under one war flag given by Leszek.
  3. The Confederate war flag was the centerpiece of the design.
  4. Very few countries use a war flag that differs from the state flag.
  5. The hajduks carried a war flag with Venetian symbols.
  6. It's difficult to find war flag in a sentence. 用war flag造句挺难的
  7. The Assembly of the Year XIII allowed the flag as a war flag.
  8. The war flags plan was an attempt to win over black and white Democrats.
  9. Nevertheless, she flew the Prussian war flag.
  10. Behind him, American and prisoner-of-war flags flap in the breeze.
  11. The flag of Switzerland was introduced in 1889, also based on medieval war flags.
  12. Only four extant pre-Revolutionary War flags have been authenticated so far, he added.
  13. One of them waved a black Bosnian Serb war flag with a skull and cross bones.
  14. The collection of Civil War flags were removed from the Executive, Library and Museum Building.
  15. Many shops were decorated with rainbow-colored anti-war flags in a gesture of solidarity.
  16. The flag is also the Indian army's war flag, hoisted daily on military installations.
  17. 更多例句:  下一页


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